Zaman sekarang, hidup tanpa kuota sepertinya belum lengkap.
Smartphone mahal, spesifikasi tinggi dan baterai tahan lama tidak ada
artinya tanpa koneksi internet dan kuota yang mencukupi. Apa daya tarif
internet di Indonesia masih terbilang mahal dan tidak stabil.
Terkadang hal itu yang membuat kita harus berhemat. Tapi daripada
wara-wiri cari Wi-Fi gratisan, mendingan simak dan kurangi hal-hal yang
suka membuat kuota cepat habis di bawah ini.
1. Sering upload video
Mengirim video atau upload video ke suatu situs seperti Youtube menguras kuota internet yang lumayan banyak. Namun semua ini bergantung pada setting dan berbagai faktor lain juga. Video resolusi high-definition (HD) bisa menghabiskan kuota sampai 200 MB per menit!
2. Video Chat/Call
Layanan obrolan video seperti Skype dan FaceTime tergolong boros kuota internet karena membutuhkan banyak bandwidth. Tapi kembali lagi tergantung resolusi video yang kamu gunakan. Umumnya, video call menguras 3 MB per menit.
3. Online Game
Ini yang kadang tidak disadari pengguna smartphone. Bermain online game pelan-pelan mengambil banyak kuota apalagi game yang meng-update tiap hari seperti ranking atau point pemain. Game yang memiliki visual keren juga cepat mengambil kuota internet.
4. Streaming Video
Menonton MV oppa-oppa kita memang kadang suka lupa waktu. Jika tidak ingat kuota tiris, tidak bisa berhenti ya, Dreamers. Streaming trailer film yang hanya 1-2 menit saja bisa boros kuota internet.
Jadi jangan lupa, streming video merupakan salah satu penyebab
borosnya kuota internet, karena konsumsi datanya bisa mencapai 50 MB per
menit. Mungkin bisa diakali dengan men-download-nya terlebih dulu bila
kamu suka menonton video berulang-ulang. ^^
Semua masalah di atas mungkin tidak menjadi masalah dengan adanya
Wi-Fi. Tapi jika sekiranya kamu sedang berada di tempat yang jauh dari
Wi-Fi dan harus berhemat kuota, hindari dulu hal-hal di atas agar tetap
bisa berkomunikasi atau melakukan hal lain yang lebih penting dalam
menghabiskan kuota internet.
Credit article
Senin, 27 April 2015
Minggu, 26 April 2015
Gedung Merdeka
Merdeka is in the Asia-Africa street, Bandung, Indonesia, is a historic
building that was once used as a summit of Asia-Africa in 1955. This building
is now used as a museum exhibiting a collection of objects and photographs of Asian-African
Conference which is the forerunner of the Non-Aligned Movement's first ever
held here in 1955. [1]
Architecture building
The building was designed in 1926 by Van Galen Last and CP Wolff Schoemaker. Both is Professor at the Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (TH Bandoeng - which later became the Institute of Technology Bandung - ITB), two renowned Dutch architect of the day, house is very thick with the feel of art deco luxury building and is visible from the floor is made of made in lustrous Italian marble, the rooms where a drink and relax cikenhout made of wood, while the lighting used lamps hanging sparkly crystal bias. This building occupies an area of 7500 m2.
History of the building
The building was first built in 1895 and named Societeit Concordia, and in 1926 the building was renovated entirely by Wolff Schoemacher, Aalbers and Van Gallen. [2] Concordia Societeit building used as a place of recreation and socialization by a group of Dutch people who live in the city Bandung and its surroundings. They are plantation employees, officers, officials, businessmen, and the other is quite rich. On holidays, especially at night, the building was filled with them to dance, watch art performances, or dinner.
During the Japanese occupation of this building called the Dai Toa Kaman with its function as a cultural center.
At the time of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 the building was used as the headquarters of the Indonesian youth to face the Japanese army at the time was reluctant to hand over power to Indonesia.
After the Indonesian government began to form (1946 - 1950) is characterized by the presence of government Haminte Bandung, State Pasundan, and Recomba West Java, Concordia building used again as a public hall. here usually held art performances, parties, restaurants, and other public gatherings.
With the decision of the government of the Republic of Indonesia (1954) which establishes a place of Bandung Asian-African Conference, the Concordia Building was chosen as the conference venue. At that time the Concordia Hall building where the meeting is the largest and most magnificent in the city of Bandung. And it was very strategic location in the center of town and close to Bandung and the city's best hotel, the Hotel Savoy Homann and Hotel Preanger
And start early in 1955 and the building was restored by its requirement as a standard International conferences, and construction is handled by the Bureau of Public Works of West Java Province dimpimpin by Ir. R. Srigati Santoso, and implementing restoration is: 1) Bureau of the Knights, under the leadership of R. Machdar Prawiradilaga 2) PT. Alico, under M.J. Ali 3) PT. AIA, led R.M. Madyono
After the formation of the Constituent Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia as a result of the 1955 general elections, serve as the Merdeka Building Assembly Building. Since the Constituent considered failed in its main task, which set the base state and the state constitution, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved by presidential decree dated July 5, 1959. Furthermore, Freedom House to be a place Designers Agency activities and later became the National Building People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS) which was formed in 1960. Although the function of Building Independence change from time to time in line with the changes experienced in the struggle to preserve, organize, and the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Merdeka Building name remains fixed on the front of the building.
Conference Room in Building Independence in 2010.
In 1965 at the Merdeka Hall of the Islamic Conference held Asia and Africa. In 1971 at the Merdeka Building MPRS activities entirely transferred to Jakarta. After the rebellion G30S, Building Independence ruled by military agencies and some of the building used as a place of political prisoners G30S. In July 1966, the maintenance of Building Independence to be delivered by the central government to the Regional Government of West Java province, which in turn by the Regional Government of West Java implementation is delivered again to the Regional Government of Bandung. Three years later, on July 6, 1968, led MPRS in Jakarta to change her decision about Merdeka Building (former Building MPRS) provided that the building is handed over its parent, while the other buildings are located at the rear of the Building Independence still be the responsibility of MPRS.
In March 1980 building was again entrusted to be a warning that the Asian-African Conference-25. At the height of his warning Asian-African Conference Museum inaugurated by Suharto, the second President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Architecture building
The building was designed in 1926 by Van Galen Last and CP Wolff Schoemaker. Both is Professor at the Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (TH Bandoeng - which later became the Institute of Technology Bandung - ITB), two renowned Dutch architect of the day, house is very thick with the feel of art deco luxury building and is visible from the floor is made of made in lustrous Italian marble, the rooms where a drink and relax cikenhout made of wood, while the lighting used lamps hanging sparkly crystal bias. This building occupies an area of 7500 m2.
History of the building
The building was first built in 1895 and named Societeit Concordia, and in 1926 the building was renovated entirely by Wolff Schoemacher, Aalbers and Van Gallen. [2] Concordia Societeit building used as a place of recreation and socialization by a group of Dutch people who live in the city Bandung and its surroundings. They are plantation employees, officers, officials, businessmen, and the other is quite rich. On holidays, especially at night, the building was filled with them to dance, watch art performances, or dinner.
During the Japanese occupation of this building called the Dai Toa Kaman with its function as a cultural center.
At the time of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 the building was used as the headquarters of the Indonesian youth to face the Japanese army at the time was reluctant to hand over power to Indonesia.
After the Indonesian government began to form (1946 - 1950) is characterized by the presence of government Haminte Bandung, State Pasundan, and Recomba West Java, Concordia building used again as a public hall. here usually held art performances, parties, restaurants, and other public gatherings.
With the decision of the government of the Republic of Indonesia (1954) which establishes a place of Bandung Asian-African Conference, the Concordia Building was chosen as the conference venue. At that time the Concordia Hall building where the meeting is the largest and most magnificent in the city of Bandung. And it was very strategic location in the center of town and close to Bandung and the city's best hotel, the Hotel Savoy Homann and Hotel Preanger
And start early in 1955 and the building was restored by its requirement as a standard International conferences, and construction is handled by the Bureau of Public Works of West Java Province dimpimpin by Ir. R. Srigati Santoso, and implementing restoration is: 1) Bureau of the Knights, under the leadership of R. Machdar Prawiradilaga 2) PT. Alico, under M.J. Ali 3) PT. AIA, led R.M. Madyono
After the formation of the Constituent Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia as a result of the 1955 general elections, serve as the Merdeka Building Assembly Building. Since the Constituent considered failed in its main task, which set the base state and the state constitution, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved by presidential decree dated July 5, 1959. Furthermore, Freedom House to be a place Designers Agency activities and later became the National Building People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS) which was formed in 1960. Although the function of Building Independence change from time to time in line with the changes experienced in the struggle to preserve, organize, and the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Merdeka Building name remains fixed on the front of the building.
Conference Room in Building Independence in 2010.
In 1965 at the Merdeka Hall of the Islamic Conference held Asia and Africa. In 1971 at the Merdeka Building MPRS activities entirely transferred to Jakarta. After the rebellion G30S, Building Independence ruled by military agencies and some of the building used as a place of political prisoners G30S. In July 1966, the maintenance of Building Independence to be delivered by the central government to the Regional Government of West Java province, which in turn by the Regional Government of West Java implementation is delivered again to the Regional Government of Bandung. Three years later, on July 6, 1968, led MPRS in Jakarta to change her decision about Merdeka Building (former Building MPRS) provided that the building is handed over its parent, while the other buildings are located at the rear of the Building Independence still be the responsibility of MPRS.
In March 1980 building was again entrusted to be a warning that the Asian-African Conference-25. At the height of his warning Asian-African Conference Museum inaugurated by Suharto, the second President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Sabtu, 25 April 2015
Pajak yang
dipungut atas penyerahan barang, impor, dan bidang usaha lain.
Dirjen Anggaran, Bendaharawan Pemerintah
(Pusat dan daerah) BUMN & BUMD yang melakukan pembayaran atas pembelian
barang dan dananya berasal dari belanja Negara dan/atau daerah.
Atas pembelian
barang sebesar 1,5% dari Harga Beli/ Penyerahan Barang (Tidak termasuk PNN)
Bendaharawan dan
Dirjen Anggaran / Bendaharawan Pemerintah baik
Pusat mauoun Daerah, yang melakukan pembayaran atas pembelian barang.
BUMN / BUMD yang melakukan pembelian barang
dengan dana yang bersumber dari belanja Negara (APBN) / belanja daerah (APBD)
Bank Indonesia
(BI), Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional (BPPN), Badan Urusan Logistik
(BULOG), PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TELKOM), PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara
(PLN), PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Indosat, PT Krakatau Steel, Pertamina, dan
Bank-bank BUMN yang melakukan pembelian barang yang dananya berasal dari APBN
maupun non-APBN.
Pemungutan :
PPh Pasal 22 disetor oleh pemungut menggunakan
SSP atas nama Wajib Pajak yang dipungut (penjual).
PPh Pasal 22 tersebut harus disetor oleh
pemungut pada hari yang sama saat pembayaran dengan menggunakan SSP atas nama
Wajib Pajak yang dipungut (penjual). Pemungut juga wajib melaporkan atas
seluruh pemungutan yang dilakukan paling lambat 14 hari sejak masa pajak
Bank Devisa dan Direktorat Jenderal Bea
dan Cukai atas Barang Impor
Subjek PPh Pasal 22
Setiap Wajib Pajak
yang melakukan impor, kecuali yang mendapat fasilitas pembebasan (memperoleh
surat keterangan bebas).
Tarif PPh Pasal 22
Yang menggunakan Angka Pengenal Impor (API),
sebesar 2,5% dari Nilai Impor
Yang tidak menggunakan API, sebesar 7,5% dari
Nilai Impor.
Yang tidak dikuasai 7,5% dari Harga Jual Lelang.
Nilai Impor
Nilai yang berupa uang yang menjadi dasar penghitungan
bea masuk yaitu Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF) ditambahkan dengan bea masuk
dan pungutan lainnya yang dikenakan berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan
perundang±undangan pabean bidang impor.
Untuk menghitung nilai impor digunakan kurs
berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan.
NI = CIF + Bea Masuk + Pungutan Lainnya
Tidak Dikenakan PPh Pasal 22
Impor barang /
penyerahan barang di dalam negeri yang berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan
tidak terutang pajak penghasilan, dinyatakan dengan SKB.
Impor barang yang
dibebaskan dari Bea Masuk dan atau Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, yaitu terdiri dari
(dilaksanakan oleh DJBC), contoh: Barang perwakilan negara asing dan pejabatnya
yang bertugas di Indonesia berdasarkan asas timbal balik.
Impor sementara
yang semata-mata untuk diekspor kembali (dilaksanakan oleh DJB).
Pembayaran yang
jumlahnya paling banyak RP. 2.000.000 dan tidak merupakan pembayaran yang
terpecah pecah (tanpa SKB).
Pembayaran untuk
pembelian bahan bakar minyak, listrik, gas, air minum / PDAM dan benda-benda
pos (tanpa SKB).
Emas batangan
yang akan di proses untuk menghasilkan barang perhiasan dari emas untuk tujuan
ekspor, dinyatakan dengan SKB.
Pembayaran untuk
pembelian gabah atau beras oleh BULOG.
Impor kembali
(re-impor) dalam kualitas yang sama atau barang-barang yang telah diekspor
untuk keperluan perbaikan, pengerjaan dan pengujian yang memenuhi syarat yang
ditentukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai.
Saat Terhutangnya Pajak
Pajak penghasilan
Pasal 22 atas impor barang terutang dan dilunasi bersamaan dengan saat
pembayaran Bea Masuk: dalam hal pembayaran Bea Masuk ditunda atau dibebaskan,
maka Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 22 terutang dan dilunasi pada saat penyelesaian
dokumen Pemberitahuaan Impor Barang (PIB).
Dirjen Bea dan Cukai
akan menghitung dan menetapkan PPh Pasal 22 atas impor yang dilakukan oleh
importir, kecuali bagi yang mendapatkan fasilitas pembebasan.
Atas perhitungan
tersebut importir membayar PPh Pasal 22 ke Bank Persepsi. SSP yang diterima
merupakan Kredit Pajak diakhir Tahun Pajak.
Mulai tahun 2003
setoran Pajak dan Bea Cukai bisa dijadikan satu (digabung) dengan menggunakan
SSPBC (Surat Setoran Pajak dan Bea Cukai).
Usaha Lainnya Atas Penyerahan Produk – Produk Tertentu
Badan Usaha yang
bergerak dalam bidang usaha industri Semen, Rokok, Industri Kertas, Industri
Baja, dan Industri Otomotif, yang ditunjuk oleh Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Pajak,
atas penjualan hasil produksinya di dalam negeri.
Pertamina serta
badan usaha lainnya yang bergerak dalam bidang bahan bakar minyak jenis premix,
super TT dan gas atas penjualan hasil produksinya.
Industri dan
eksportir yang bergerak dalam sektor perhutanan, perkebunan, dan perikanan yang
ditunjuk oleh Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Pajak, atas pembelian bahan± bahan untuk
keperluan industri atau ekspor mereka dari pedagang pengumpul
Contoh Perhitungan:
PPh Pasal 22 Bea Cukai
Perusahaan Kalalo
memasukkan barang ke wilayah pabean Indonesia dengan Cost sebesar US$60.000.
Biaya angkut dari luar negeri ke pelabuhan tujuan sebesar US$3.500 dan premi
asuransi perjalanan yang dibayar dari luar negeri ke pelabuhan tujuan sebesar
US$500. Bea Masuk yang dibebankan sebesar Rp23.000.000 dan pungutan pabean lain
yang resmi sebesar Rp16.500.000, kurs yang berlaku saat terjadinya import
adalah US$1 = Rp10.000. Hitunglah Pajak penghasilan Pasal 22 Bea Cukai, dalam
kondisi baik importir memiliki API/APIS/APIT dan jika importir belum memiliki
Perhitungan PPh Pasal 22 Bea Cukai
Kurs yang berlaku
= Rp 10.000
Harga import US$ 60,000 x Rp 10.000 = Rp 600.000.000
Biaya Angkut US$ 3,500 x Rp 10.000 = Rp 35.000.000
Biaya Asuransi US$ 500 x Rp 10.000 = Rp 5.000.000
Bea Masuk
= Rp 23.000.000
Pungutan Pabean dan lain-lain = Rp 16.500.000 +
Nilai Import
= Rp 679.500.000
PPh 22 Bea Cukai bila importer memiliki API/APIS/APIT:
2.5% x Rp 679.500.000 = Rp 16.987.500
PPh 22 Bea Cukai bila importer tidak memiliki API/APIS/APIT:
7.5% x Rp 679.500.000 = Rp 50.962.500
PPh Pasal 22 yang Dipungut Oleh
Contoh Kasus 1
Sebuah perusahaan melakukan penyerahan barang kena pajak
kepada suatu instasi pemerintah seharga Rp 4.488.000.000 yang pembayarannya
melalui Kantor Perbendaharaan Negara. Berapakah Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 22
Bendaharawan yang harus dipotong bila:
1. Harga
barang tidak termasuk PPN dan PPnBM
2. Harga
barang termasuk PPN (10%) tapi bukan Barang Mewah
3. Harga
barang termasuk PPN (10%) dan PPnBM (20%).
Perhitungan Pajak:
1. Harga
barang tidak termasuk PPN dan PPnBM
Harga yang diserahkan Rp
Pajak Penghasilan pasal 22:
1.5% x Rp 4.488.000.000 Rp
67.320.000 –
Jumlah uang yang diterima Rp
2. Harga
barang termasuk PPN (10%) tapi bukan Barang Mewah
Harga barang termasuk PPN (10%) Rp
PPN (10%) = Rp 4.488.000.000 x
10/110 Rp 408.000.000 –
Harga Barang tidak termasuk PPN Rp
Pajak Penghasilan pasal 22
1.5% x Rp Rp
61.200.000 –
Jumlah uang yang diterima Rp
3. Harga
barang termasuk PPN (10%) dan PPnBM (10%)
Harga barang termasuk PPN (10%)
dan PPnBM(10%) Rp
PPN (10%)=Rp4.488.000.000 x 10/120 Rp
PPnBM (10%) = Rp4.488.000.000 x
10/120 Rp 374.000.000 –
Harga barang tidak termasuk PPN dan
PPh 22 1.5% x Rp 3.740.000.000 Rp 56.100.000 –
uang yang diterima Rp
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