Rabu, 28 Mei 2014


Parallel Conjunctions

Not Only..... but also

1.      Kate Middleton is not only beautiful but also very kind as her mother in law Lady Diana. (Adj)
2.      Mrs. Smith is not only cooked for tonight dinner but also set the table. (V)
3.      Hilton Group has not only Hotels but also Resort that spread all over the world. (N)
4.      Not only The President but also The Vice President attended the APEC in Bali last October. (S)
5.      Exo has not only Korean members but also Chinesse members. (Adv of place)
6.      Not only in 2013 but also in 2006 Merapi has been erupted. (adv of time)
7.      The Secretary not only did the assignment correctly but also quickly, I makes her boss satisfied with her job. (adv of manner)

Both….. and

1.      Both sexy and smart are belong to Angelina Jolie. (Adj)
2.      Both swimming and jogging are good to improve breathing technique for singer. (V)
3.      Jennifer Lawrence won both Golden Globe Award and Academy Award as best actress for her movie ‘The Hunger Games’ in 2013. (N)
4.      Both Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin Jr. were the first humans who step on month in 1969. (S)
5.      Both Palestine and Israel must stop the war. (Adv of place)
6.      I have full schedule both on Friday and Saturday. (Adv of time)
7.      The ballerina dance both beautifully and perfectly. (Adv of manner)

Either….. or

1.      You could either walk or ride the bicycle to the mini market, it is close enough from here. (v)
2.      Either rich or smart do you prefer ? (adj)
3.      What do you choose to continue your collage either economic or psychology ? (N)
4.      Either Mr. Lee or Mr. Jung are my management lecture. (S)
5.      We plan to travel either Europe or US for next holiday. (adv of place)
6.      “You could make appointment either on Monday at 10.00 am 0r Tuesday at 01.00 pm with the doctor.” The nurse said. (adv  of time)
7.      Either efficiently or slowly the machine is ? ( adv of manner )

Neither….. nor

1.      “He is neither handsome nor rich but he has his own charm in my eyes.” Juliet said. (Adj)
2.      Kris neither told the member nor discussed with them about his decision to stop his contract with their agency SM Entertainment. (V)
3.      I neither have watch ‘Captain Of America’ norX-Man’. (N)
4.      Neither the students nor the lectures are not allow to come late. (S)
5.      I never went to neither Maldives nor Hawaii before, so I get so exited when my parent told me that we will spend our summer holiday there. (adv of place)
6.      He should go to work neither weekday nor weekend because of the new project that recently signed. (adv of time)
7.      Malin Kundang neither treat his mother kindly nor politely.   (adv of manner)

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